jueves, 22 de octubre de 2009

Hi! Today, we have an interesting interview about a student who could change thanks to his teacher. Dan Morton gave us an exclusive meeting for talking about his experience:

Hi Dan, How are you today?
- Hi!, I'm fine, thanks!

Great!, So, let's start with the interview then! How do you feel now you could finish school?
-Oh!, I feel so good. In fact, I never thought I could do it !, but a teacher believed in me. and I think she was my biggest influence.

Oh, I see! And tell me a little bit about this teacher, please?
-Well, she was a marine before teaching in my school. She was very worried about her students, and the most important thing is that she is very perseverant! For example, in my case, I thought I had no future, but she could see that I'm good in writing, and I can do something with that skill!

Would you recommend that teacher to some "problematic" students?

-Absolutely! she could change my life, and she can do it with them too !

Finally, tell me what are you doing today ?

- I would like to keep studing, because I love writing, and thanks to Ms Johnsons, I believe now in myself, and now the future is in my hands!

I completely agree with you Dan! Thanks for the interview!

-Thanks to you! Goodbye

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