jueves, 22 de octubre de 2009

Hi! Today, we have an interesting interview about a student who could change thanks to his teacher. Dan Morton gave us an exclusive meeting for talking about his experience:

Hi Dan, How are you today?
- Hi!, I'm fine, thanks!

Great!, So, let's start with the interview then! How do you feel now you could finish school?
-Oh!, I feel so good. In fact, I never thought I could do it !, but a teacher believed in me. and I think she was my biggest influence.

Oh, I see! And tell me a little bit about this teacher, please?
-Well, she was a marine before teaching in my school. She was very worried about her students, and the most important thing is that she is very perseverant! For example, in my case, I thought I had no future, but she could see that I'm good in writing, and I can do something with that skill!

Would you recommend that teacher to some "problematic" students?

-Absolutely! she could change my life, and she can do it with them too !

Finally, tell me what are you doing today ?

- I would like to keep studing, because I love writing, and thanks to Ms Johnsons, I believe now in myself, and now the future is in my hands!

I completely agree with you Dan! Thanks for the interview!

-Thanks to you! Goodbye

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009

Mr Editor:

Using your wonderful magazine, I would like to thanks Mrs Johnsons because of her Job. She's a teacher who gives everything for her students. I think nowayads we need more Mrs Johnsons inside classrooms; she has the skill of understand students, help them and achieve goals in relation with contents. I could see that, even she is a lady, she can manage an entire classroom, create affective relationships with her students, and to be compromized with them. Our society need to create teachers with the same thinking Mrs Johnsons has: students are not just like robots for repeating and learning contents, they are human beings, with feelings, needs, emotions, idead and futures, and we need to hel them in order to create a better world.

Thanks miss Johnsons. Thanks to your work, those students have hope in their minds!

Javiera Lopez M.

viernes, 2 de octubre de 2009

when art is not looking perfection . . .

One of my favorite painters is Fernando Botero. He was born in Medellin, Colombia, in 1932. His art is characterized for being created by fat people. If I had to choose one of his pieces of Art, I would choose Los Bailarines (2000). I think that Fernando Botero can show his art, and be a successful painter, not just with perfect people. In fact, all his paints are compounded by fat women and men, and I think it's really interesting. Why just perfection is beautiful? For example, in this image, we can see a voluptuous couple dancing, and I can image that couple everywhere! Maybe my parents, some friends, a couple inside a “Fonda”, etc! That’s what called my attention of Botero’s art. In our real world, people are not as perfect as we can see on TV. We all have defects, things that we would love to change, but the important thing is to accept ourselves as we are. And I think this kind of art is helping us to accept our body like something natural. We can be fat, and we can still being beautiful! So, pelase, if you are sad because of your appearance, look for Fernando Botero’s art, and enjoy looking his paints! 